
The adventures of Senior Holmes and Junior Watson in the world of software development [Joker Edition]

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

< Music from your favorite Sherlock Holmes TV show plays in your head >

"Sherlock, why isn't anything working again?"

"Elementary, my dear Watson! First, you're trying to run Spring 5 on Java 7. Second, after using Groovy for a couple of months you no more appreciate semicolons. Third, your laptop's battery has died".

Yes, this talk will be uncommon. Holmes and Watson are going to solve several riddles, which you may have already come across, are looking at now or will come across during your development routine. There won't be any bytecode or the intestines of the garbage collectors, but there will be tools, libraries and frameworks, which perplex common developers in their routines and lead to down times, screwing up deadlines, and prolonged depressions. Practically, in this talk Holmes and Watson will save you from facepalms and traps that others have already experienced.

[Already heard this talk on JPoint or online? Don't worry, we've got some new material while also keeping the fiery concept!]

  • #warstories

