Gerrit Grunwald
Karakun AG
Комментарий Программного комитета:
Спикер IoT, java FX мастер, гуру десктопного программирования. Java Champion (Rock Star).
Everybody knows boring form-based user interfaces. What if one would add mobile devices to improve the UX of desktop- or web-applications? In a research project at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland, we have tried to address this topic in a totally different way.
Usually, you would expect to rework the UI and make it fancier, but here the idea is to enhance controls in a way that they can be remotely controlled by a mobile device. As an example, you can think about a text input field that gets the focus and the actual data input is done on a mobile phone.
Different approaches will be shown, from a complete JavaFX based approach using Gluon to a combination of Swift on a mobile device and Polymer on the browser.
Karakun AG