Venkat Subramaniam
Agile Developer, Inc.
Комментарий Программного комитета:
Один из лучших в мире докладчиков и уж точно один из самых ожидаемых спикеров на конференциях. Делает мощные доклады, неизменно собирающие наивысшие рейтинги.
We constantly hear that change should be affordable and cost-effective. True, but, in reality, that’s easily said than done. Complexity makes change hard. We can’t shy away from the hard problems posed by domains and business needs. So, how can we solve complicated problems without getting dragged into the quagmire of what appears to be an inevitable complexity?
In this talk, an award-winning author and software practitioner will share experiences and observations from working on multiple software projects, about what leads to complexities, the traps developers and organizations fall into, and what we can do to effectively deal with these common, recurring issues we see across domains and products.
Agile Developer, Inc.