Marc Hoffmann
mtrail GmbH
Комментарий Программного комитета:
Полезно продемонстрировать то, на какие ухищрения приходится идти рантайму, чтобы удовлетворить наши уютные языковые абстракции. Заставляет иначе смотреть на работу своего кода.
JVM implementation details behind Java Lambdas.
With Java 7 invokedynamic was added to the JVM instruction set and the concept of method handles was introduced — but not used at all by the Java language compiler. This changed the first time when Java 8 lambda expressions and method references were introduced. More tricks are introduced with Java 9 for efficient string operations.
In this session we explore the technical details of compiled lambda expressions and learn about the new JVM capabilities — which come with several performance benefits and could also be used for other JVM languages.
mtrail GmbH