
Condy? NestMates? Constable? Understanding JDK 11 & 12's JVM features

  • На английском языке

New JDK release, new JVM features — interested in what’s changed in the JVM? Learn why ConstantDynamic (Condy) and NestMates are essential JVM features to enable Java’s continued evolution.

Wondering what a Constable is and how you’d use it? Come to this session to learn what’s changed in the JVM in JDK11 and JDK12 and why you should care.

Комментарий программного комитета:

Рассказ ведущего архитектора OpenJ9 и члена экспертной группы JSR 292 (invokedynamic) о реализации функциональности ConstantDynamic/Constable в JVM.

  • #bytecode

