
Maximizing performance with GraalVM

На английском языке

The GraalVM project enhances the Java ecosystem with an integrated, polyglot, high-performance execution environment for dynamic, static, and native languages. GraalVM supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages. At the same time, it can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript including Node.js, Ruby, R, and Python.

Balancing the main performance indicators peak throughput, startup time, memory footprint, maximum latency, and packaging size is key for optimizing your application. GraalVM offers a just-in-time (JIT) and ahead-of-time (AOT) execution mode with different trade-offs on these metrics. This talk shows how to get the most out of GraalVM for the metrics you care about!

Комментарий программного комитета:

Автор GraalVM расскажет о том, как эта технология устроена и как ее лучше использовать.

  • #graalvm-founder
  • #runtime

