
Spring Reactive Ripper

In Russian

You all heard the phrase: "A person who learned how to use a hammer begins to see a nail in everything". In the programming world, it often happens with new and trendy technologies and is not always used for intended purpose. As a result, we have a more complex API that only experienced programmers can support, a lot of bugs and other problems.

How we'll try to avoid broken fingers and hammered things while trying to implement React?

We will consider the system example that has problems and of course, we will try to refactor it in a reactive style. Also, we will consider the advantages and weaknesses of approach and API specific realizations. We will evaluate the complexity that was before refactoring and the complexity that we inserted after. And try to figure out what are toys and what is not.

  • #live coding
  • #rsocket
  • #spring5
  • #webflux

