
TeaVM: Difficulties of compilation from Java to JavaScript

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

TeaVM is an AOT compiler of Java byte code in JavaScript (backends for generation of WebAssembly and C are still in raw condition now). It's Alexey's private pet project which recently began to be used in production. Speakers project is about 500 thousand lines of Java code. Alexey wants to tell why TeaVM is useful for the task, what had to be tightened up and how he deals with it.

During this session listeners will learn what are GWT alternatives and why is 2019 when we have a TypeScript, nmp, webpack and Angular, it's still makes sense to write Java for web. Also there will be a talk about compiling Java in JS problems (in particular why it's impossible to generate idiomatic code), how these problems are solved in TeaVM and alternative instruments (GWT, J2CL, Kotlin/JS). We will talk about the pros and cons of the tradeoffs that developers make.

  • #bytecode
  • #compilers
  • #languages

