In this live stream workshop, Alexey will show you how to create and run a TDD loop for a Spring Boot application from scratch, with examples on JUnit 5.
The speaker will talk about:
- Why we need tests? Why is it important to write and support tests?
- TDD vs Test first vs Test last.
- London vs Chicago.
- Where to start when there is nothing at all.
- R-G-R cycle, why it's important.
- The good test is not always a good specification.
- Specification must be specific.
- Areas of responsibility (test boundaries).
- Mocs and twins.
- What to mock and whatnot, how to mock unmockable.
- Integrational tests — why and how?
- Ice cream cone vs Testing trophy.
- Contracts and third-party integration.
- Big Data testing.
- Integration testing (REST and messages).
- Acceptance or E2E testing.
- What to do with legacy?