Evgeny Borisov
How many design patterns do you know? 24? 36? 100? How many of them do you use in real life? 3? 5? 10?
In this talk, Eugene will show how Spring can be used to easily implement to most popular patterns that we encounter in everyday life. Chain of responsibility, strategy, command, lazy initialization, scala traits, AOP, proxy, decorator, and other patterns and concepts implemented with Spring will make your code soft and silky. And the scurf of your boilerplate in the form of switches, static methods, inheritance, and other outdated husks will fall from your project. The code will become more readable, flexible, and supported. Such code is easier to test and it's simply beautiful.
In this talk, we're not going to pick the internals of Spring or try to customize it. We won't even write a single beanpost processor or starter. Just practical tasks and common, simple and kind fifth Spring.
JUG Ru Group