
Workshop: Stop writing tests, write specs instead! (part 1)

  • In Russian

In this live stream workshop, Alexey will show you how to create and run a TDD loop for a Spring Boot application from scratch, with examples on JUnit 5.

The speaker will talk about:

  1. Why we need tests? Why is it important to write and support tests?
  2. TDD vs Test first vs Test last.
  3. London vs Chicago.
  4. Where to start when there is nothing at all.
  5. R-G-R cycle, why it's important.
  6. The good test is not always a good specification.
  7. Specification must be specific.
  8. Areas of responsibility (test boundaries).
  9. Mocs and twins.
  10. What to mock and whatnot, how to mock unmockable.
  11. Integrational tests — why and how?
  12. Ice cream cone vs Testing trophy.
  13. Contracts and third-party integration.
  14. Big Data testing.
  15. Integration testing (REST and messages).
  16. Acceptance or E2E testing.
  17. What to do with legacy?
  • #spring


Invited experts
