
Micronaut vs Spring Boot, or who's the smallest here?

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

You are doing enterprise development and working with slow app servers? Every day you implement all of the EJB 2.0 interfaces and pack them into OSGI bundle? Your friends tell you about new lightweight frameworks, but you don't have time to try them?

We'll help you decide whether you should go out to the brave new world (but we still don't know that for sure) or stay in your cozy little warm nest, encrusted with moss. Together with you we'll try to find the standard to define how "micro" a framework is (if such standard does actually exist). Of course, we'll start with Spring Boot. Malicious gossip has it that Spring Boot could lose some weight, but we know what to say to those fat microservices! And, to make it more exciting, we found an opponent for the already not-so-hipster SB2 — Micronaut. Though maybe there is someone small enough in Spring Boot's own family.

In practice, developing and testing, testing and developing, we'll see the compromises in developing on SB2 and Micronaut. We shall see who's the best of the best: the most reactive, the handiest, the "cloudiest" — and is "micro" even good for production?

  • #cloud
  • #frameworks
  • #micro

