
Multiagent transportation model for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia on Java in 4 months, with blackjack and evolutionary algorithms

In Russian
Presentation pdf

For the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia Jaroslav's team developed multiagent transportation model with decision support enterprise system and rendering husk for the Transport Directorate of FIFA World Cup 2018. In this session Jaroslav will tell about development of this project and its architecture.

The system consists of:

  • multiagent model, iteratively calculating the movements of every spectator during the World Cup;
  • enterprise system, allowing the the Transport Directorate staff calculate different scenarios on their own and evaluate the results dynamically;
  • visualization system, dynamically depicting the results;
  • evolutionary algorithms for finding additional routes.

Given that the project was realized within four months, Jaroslav will also elaborate on pitfalls, methodology and peculiarities of decision making in such a big projects with tight deadline and a state customer.

  • #algorithms
  • #casestudy

