
New reality of digital civilization

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The world is changing faster than we know it.

The "Black Mirror" TV series with British humour reflects the Fourth Technological Revolution: human mind, programmed with loads of errors and bugs ingrained in the evolution process, gets to rule over unprecedented power of digital technology. How it will manage this power? Or, rather, what will this power do to it: make it happy, as promised, or something else?

Every day this brave new world challenges us: technologies evolve, and information environment takes over us.

Human brain as we know it was developed couple of hundreds of thousands years ago. This amount of time is nothing to evolution. Just hundred years ago a man received less information in his entire life than he now has to process in a week. IT helps to automate almost all the areas of our lives: smart cars carry us, smart refrigerators order groceries for us, and silicone dolls replace relationships for us. But what will become of us when robots will be able to satisfy all our needs? Are we ready for the changes and can our biological brain match something against them?

What can aggressive information environment do to our brain? What are the main problems of the human intellect? How to make our thinking more effective by using latest discoveries of the brain sciences?

On October 20, Andrey Kurpatov will tell what awaits us in the future and how we can prepare for it.
