Interview with Ruslan Cheremin: documentation that no one reads, and UX in the internal development kitchen
Let's talk to Ruslan Cheremin about a specific view of the development process and the role of the engineer in it.
"I'm curious about the human factor in development - how the characteristics of the human brain, memory, and perception affect our engineering work. I think we engineers tend to look at ourselves too mechanically and idealized. A lot of the inner kitchen of engineering work is organized as if there are perfect machines working here, when in fact there are living people. And people (even those with a technical background) do not look very much like machines.
The human factor theme is quite well developed in the context of UX, in the context of interaction with the end user. But developers are also users - users of code, processes, tools, documentation. This aspect of engineering is not discussed as often as it should be. Perhaps because it is very vague and hard to formalize. But we pay attention to mechanical sympathy, so why not pay comparable attention to neurological sympathy?"