
Lightning Talks

In Russian

Lightning Talks are a great format to quickly discuss a topic and find like-minded people. Fifteen-minute talks on professional or near-professional topics and lively discussions are waiting for you.

Have you been thinking about trying yourself as a speaker for a long time? Are you eager to share your ideas or case studies with the world? You have watched the Joker talks and feel that you can add something? Submit an application for a Lightning Talk in advance via link or right on the site and expand the list of conference topics!

And these talks are already waiting for you at Lightning Talks:

1. Travelling ByteBuffers from Publisher to Stream and Back Again

Denis Garus, Huawei

Reactive programming is one of the hottest trends in the Java world. However, there are many good libraries that are implemented using good old InputStream/OutputStream. We will talk about how to make friends with these libraries and reactive code.

About the speaker

Denis is a Java programmer with almost 20 years of experience. For a long time he was involved in the backend of banking software in different companies. Contributes to open source: Apache Ignite, Artipie. Lately, he has been developing OSS Artipie.

2. How We Prepare the Backend to Take the Load

Timur Shakurov, Alice

The speaker will share what problems his team encountered when sending traffic to an "unheated" backend. He will show profiles of the first requests and bottlenecks in serialisation libraries. He will also propose how to optimise such bottlenecks and what to pay attention to when problems occur.

About the speaker

Timur has been developing in Java for 10 years. Now he is developing scripts at Alice.

Masters of Ceremonies
