
Proxyless Service Mesh for gRPC Java Services

  • In Russian

Speakers will talk about microservices and the Service Mesh pattern. What is this and what is it for? Microservices have long been part of the software architecture practice set, and of course many are familiar with them. In the talk, you'll dive into the world of known and mature technologies, as well as the recent history that is being written right now. You'll learn why almost every major enterprise is moving its software to the cloud. 

Few would be surprised to learn that HTTP is being replaced by HTTP 2.0 and with it gRPC, a fast, easy and convenient protocol. In the report you will learn how to take the gRPC application to the next level, connecting it to the service network and using Proxyless approach. 

The speakers will go over the theory, look at the code and put together a short demonstration. They will also dive into the mechanics of what's going on and tell you what XDS is and how it works. 

You'll get knowledge about modern approaches and working with microservices, a first look at Proxyless and ready-made code so you can experiment!

  • #grpc
  • #networking
  • #service mesh
  • #xds


Invited experts
