
How to replace SAS products with BPMS (jBPM)

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

In February 2022 SAS left the Russian market. As a result, Sber, as well as many other companies, lost the supplier of the main components for campaigning in x-sell business, the purpose of which is to form personalized offers for clients. The main components that we used in legacy systems are SAS RTDM, Viya, ID, MA, MO, EG. Each of the listed components covers a particular need of the system, for example:

  • ML model execution (MA)
  • ETL (DI, EG)
  • Optimization of x-sell proposals (MO)
  • Low-code business logic tuning tools (RTDM, Viya, ID)

In the talk the speaker will tell about the import substitution of RTDM, Viya, ID components. The above engines are used in industry to run high-load processes at ~50,000 TPS and 99,99% availability (53 minutes of downtime per year). Maximum similar engines in terms of functionality are BPMS class systems: Camunda, jBPM, Kogito and others. Based on the functional and non-functional requirements, the speakers will show why they chose jBPM, dive into the architecture of the solution and figure out the bugs they encountered and how to fix them. 

  • #bpm
  • #enterprise_systems
  • #errors
  • #iaas
  • #infrastructure
  • #logs
  • #metrics
  • #paas
  • #patterns
  • #postgresql
  • #sas
  • #scaling


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